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Facility Rental Request


Renter Information:

IMPORTANT: This form is for non-Cincinnati Country Day School parents. If you are a current parent, please use the form linked in your My CCDS Portal

Name of group, organization, or company (if applicable).​
Does your group carry limited liability insurance coverage? requiredLimited liability coverage will be required to host an event on CCDS property.
Limited liability coverage will be required to host an event on CCDS property.

Rental Information:

Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Number of guests you expect
Number of parking spaces you will need
Catering Needs?required
If you have catering needs, please complete this form and also indicate as such above. 


Assurance of Compliance with Mission and Diversity Statement:

As a qualified representative of an organization seeking the use of Cincinnati Country Day School’s facilities, I can assure the school that I have read the institution’s mission statement and statement on equity, diversity, and inclusion, and we will conduct our activities in compliance with the values and beliefs articulated in those documents. I can assure the school that we will not discriminate against those seeking membership, employment, or volunteer status except for conduct or circumstances that the school agrees are legitimate reasons for exclusion.   

Do you comply with the statement above?required
First Name
Last Name
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format