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Rising Stars: Students Gear Up for Elite Summer Programs

Rising Stars: Students Gear Up for Elite Summer Programs

For some, summer is a time to relax. For others, it’s a time to disconnect. And then for those like Kevin Pearson `25 and Jason Starodub `26 it’s a time to roll up your sleeves and try something new. 

Jason Starodub `26 was accepted to the Summer Science Program, a highly competitive 39-day research program for only 36 high school juniors (and a few truly exceptional sophomores, like Jason!) across the country. He will participate in astrophysics research in asteroid orbit determination at New Mexico State University. On the other side of the country, Kevin Pearson ’25 will attend MIT’s MITES Summer, a highly competitive six-week free residential STEM program on MIT’s campus for underrepresented students.

“I applied because I want to prepare for what my college life could look like,” says Pearson. “MITES offers all the options in the STEM field, which is what I want to study. I also look forward to leaving Ohio and the surrounding area for one of the first times in my life.”

In early 2024, Kevin met with Sarah Beyreis, director of college counseling and external opportunities, to talk through his options for STEM-based summer activities, and there were a few that caught his eye. He was also accepted to a summer program at Carnegie Mellon University but ultimately selected the opportunity at MIT because “quite a few people told me the program would open many doors and change my life forever.”

Jason is also looking forward to trying something new and life-changing.

“I’ve never been west of San Antonio [Texas] and the program seems like fun,” says Starodub. “It will be a new experience that I’ve never done before. Last year I participated in a program at the University of Michigan and I really liked it but I want to do something that is even more of a challenge this year.”

Both will also travel to Cambridge, Massachusetts this June as members of the CCDS InventTeam. The team will present its invention at EurekaFest. According to the LMIT website, "EurekaFest is an event that empowers student inventors, empowers role models, and encourages creativity and problem-solving." While in the Boston area, the team will also visit area colleges and universities, as well as historic sites.

Click here for more information about MITES Summer; click here for more information about the Summer Science Program; and click here for more information about the CCDS InvenTeam.