The Cincinnati Country Day School Cum Laude Society held its 41st annual banquet on Tuesday, March 5, honoring 13 inductees in the senior class. Cum Laude is an academic honor limited to the top 20% of a graduating class based on weighted GPA. Following the dinner, Chapter President Nat Tracey-Miller gave a talk on maintaining extracurricular passions in college and beyond, while senior Marley Handler highlighted her experience as a CCDS lifer and the connections she’s made with teachers over the years. Retiring physics teacher (and Cum Laude President Emeritus) Brock Miller spoke on the chains of connections that people make across generations, given that he started his career with teachers who started in the 1960s and may be finishing it with colleagues who remain until the 2060s. Finally, Head of School Rob Zimmerman `98 spoke on the Cum Laude’s charge of excellence, justice, and honor, directing students to go out and live lives that will be remembered for those qualities.
Congratulations to our 2023-24 inductees:
Rana Arebi
Samantha Easter
Marley Handler
Fleur Helmantel
Leo Joffe
Giselle Macias-Jaime
Jordis Martin
Gracie Mitchell
Emma Rainey
Alexander Riemann
Kevin Yang
Elizabeth Zimmerman
Megan Zimmerman
Cum Laude faculty includes the following members, all of whom were either Cum Laude in high school or Phi Beta Kappa in college:
Sarah Beyreis (college counseling)
Amy Brand (art)
Peter Fossett `80 (advancement)
Brock Miller (physics)
Nathaniel Tracey-Miller ’05, President (librarian)
Erin Shaull, Secretary (English)
Rob Zimmerman ’98 (Head of School, honorary member)
Photo on the right, from left to right: (back row) Kevin Yang (Maineville), Elizabeth Zimmerman (Indian Hill), Samantha Easter (New Richmond), Emma Rainey (Batavia), Megan Zimmerman (Indian Hill); (front row) Rana Arebi (Turpin Hills), Marley Handler (Loveland), Giselle Macias-Jaime (Union Township), Fleur Helmantel (Indian Hill), Jordis Martin (Indian Hill), Gracie Mitchell (Terrace Park); not pictured: Leo Joffe (Indian Hill), Alexander Riemann (Montgomery)