The Down-Low on Lo-Poe
Lois Poe Rust is Country Day’s Jill-of-all-trades. In her 41 years as a member of the Country Day community, she's been a parent, a teacher, an event coordinator, the director of fine arts, a member of the Parents’ Association, and always the life of any Country Day gathering.
Lois first came to Country Day when she enrolled her eldest of three sons in kindergarten. At the time, she did not know she would become so involved.
"I have a background in broadcasting and performing, and I heard a rumor the school needed someone to help with drama classes, so I volunteered and that started my whole career here," said Rust.
Currently, Rust teaches middle school drama, and she is the event coordinator, organizing and planning everything from a Parents' Association coffee to International Night to commencement.
"My favorite role so far is what I'm doing now," said Rust. "I love being the middle school drama teacher, I have been doing the eighth grade musical for 35 years now, and I never fail to be so blown away by the students’ performances. I always tell them, 'If you can do this in eighth grade, you can do anything!’"
Even though all three of her sons graduated years ago, Lois stays at Country Day for two reasons - her love for the students and her passion for learning.
"I love the energy middle school students have!" said Rust. "I couldn't ever imagine not teaching them. This is what I'm supposed to be doing."
Lois is somewhat of a student herself, always jumping at any opportunity to learn at Country Day. In 2018, she received the Patterson-Strauss Travel Grant, which funds a summer sabbatical program for senior faculty. She went to Malaga, Spain, to work on conversational Spanish and embrace the Spanish culture.
“I love being here because Country Day instills the love of learning in everyone on campus. I look forward to learning something new every year," said Rust. "Whether it's through teaching a sixth grade student or learning about different cultures through planning International Night, I’m involved in many things on campus that truly enrich my life every day."