The Country Day Fund is the school’s annual fundraising campaign and the primary way in which our community comes together to support our students. The financial resources provided by the Country Day Fund support every aspect of the school experience, including program enrichment through co-curricular and extra-curricular opportunities. These funds deliver the crucial extra margin of excellence not afforded by tuition.
For almost 100 years, the generous support of parents, grandparents, alumni families, and friends has provided the foundation that enables Country Day to deliver on its mission. The tradition continues with your support of the Country Day Fund.
Thank you!
Casey Santi
Associate Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Relations
When Should I Give?
While the Country Day Fund campaign runs through the school’s fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) and gifts may be made at any time, the campaign is centered around two main giving days, and an annual community gala.
Match Day
Held in November, Match Day is the school’s most important day of fundraising, raising funds to support the student experience through the year.
Held in early spring, this community gala is an opportunity for families to come together and celebrate Country Day.
Giving Day
The first Tuesday in May, Giving Day wraps up our fundraising year. A perfect opportunity to make your gift to the Country Day Fund before the year is out!
How Can I Direct My Impact?
While we appreciate the flexibility offered by unrestricted support, donors are also welcome to direct their support to the institutional priority to which they feel most closely connected. Gifts to the Country Day Fund may be directed to one of five priority areas:
Area of Greatest Need
In addition to providing immediate budgetary support for Country Day’s core commitments and strategic initiatives, gifts allow the school flexibility to respond nimbly when challenges and opportunities arise.
Financial Aid
Providing access to talented, motivated students and helping their families meet the cost of tuition ensures all students receive an unparalleled learning experience, both academically and in broader school pursuits.
Athletic pursuits offer students the opportunity to develop and hone their leadership skills outside the classroom while developing life-long skills and friendships. Gifts to athletics support this important facet of Country Day’s mission.
Gifts to the visual and performing arts help students to explore their creativity, build cultural literacy, instill an appreciation of the arts, and develop self-expression skills.
Faculty Support
Gifts designated to support faculty help Country Day attract and retain talented faculty and foster their skills through ongoing professional development.
How Much Should I Give?
Every gift to the Country Day Fund helps our school flourish and we encourage all families to participate in this annual campaign. Not only does participation signify a high level of community commitment to the school's mission, it also strengthens our case when seeking support from foundations and corporations. Your gift, no matter the size, makes a difference.
While participation is our #1 goal, Country Day relies heavily on its leadership donors. Leadership gifts drive the success of the Country Day Fund each year. If circumstances allow, we ask our community members to consider at gift at one of our leadership levels.