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Welcome to CCDSummer

Thank you for choosing CCDSummer 2024! We are so excited to have your family join us and look forward to partnering with you this summer to make your child(ren)’s camp experience fun, engaging, and memorable.

Below is a checklist to help you prepare for summer camp:

  • Complete the Camper Information Form below (due May 1)
  • Submit a Student Medical Information Form (due May 1)
    • CCDS students enrolled for the 2023-24 academic year with a current form on file do not have to submit a new form for camp.
  • A copy of immunizations for campers ages 18 months - 5 years (due May 1)
    • CCDS students enrolled for the 2023-24 academic year with current immunizations on file do not have to submit a new copy for camp.
  • Complete a Prescription Medication Form (if applicable)
  • Mark your calendar to attend the Family Open House on June 7.
    Families new to Country Day's campus are invited for a campus tour on Friday, June 7 from 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.  Tours will run every 20 minutes and provide an opportunity to familiarize yourself with campus and ask questions before camp starts.  The tour includes drop-off, pick-up, and camp locations, dining facilities, the athletic complex, and outdoor spaces. 
  • Review the CCDSummer Handbook

Campers should only bring the following items labeled with first and last name.

Toddler Camp

Nature Camp

CCDSTEM, CCDStudio, and CCDSports Camps

Elite Athletic Camps
Summer PE

All campers:
Multiple changes of clothes
Shoes for water play
Water bottle
Diapers and wipes (if applicable)

All campers:
Multiple changes of clothes
Shoes for water play
Water bottle

Water bottle
Swimsuit and towel
Change of clothes
Hat (optional)
Sunscreen (optional)
Summer work (if applicable)

Water bottle


All-day campers:
Sunscreen (optional)
A small, lightweight blanket

All-day campers:
Sunscreen (optional)
Swimsuit and towel
Ages: 3 - 4
A small, lightweight blanket

All-day campers:
Sunscreen (optional)
Swimsuit and towel
Change of clothes

We look forward to having your family on campus this summer. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our summer program staff, at or reference our FAQs.


Camper Information Form


CCDSummer registrants should complete the information below. Thank you! 

Parent/Guardian Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Camper Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
My child is an enrolled Country Day student for the 2023-24 school year.required
Camper's age as of June 1 or grade level for the 2024-25 academic yearrequired
My child will be attending the following camps. Check all that apply.requiredPlease select up to 7 choices
Please select up to 7 choices
If none, type "NA" in the box above.
If none, type "NA" in the box above
If none, type "NA" in the box above.
If none, type "NA" in the box above.
If none, type "NA" in the box above.
My child is current on all required immunizations.required
The individuals listed above are authorized to pick up my child.
Provide 2 people to contact when parent/guardian cannot be reached (include name and phone #)
Sunscreen Application (all-day campers only)requiredCamp does not provide sunscreen.
Camp does not provide sunscreen.
Swim Permission requiredBy checking box 1 or 2, I give permission for my child to participate in swimming.
By checking box 1 or 2, I give permission for my child to participate in swimming.

Animal Waiver
Cincinnati Country Day School (CCDS) has animals residing on campus at 7125 House. As a part of the summer camp program, your child(ren) may come in close contact with the animals. In consideration of and knowing the risks that may arise due to close contact with animals, we ask parents/legal guardians to complete and electronically sign this form to grant or deny permission for students to interact with the animals during activities at 7125 House.

By choosing "I consent" below, I assume all risks associated with my child(ren) being in contact with animals at 7125 House on CCDS’s campus, including the possibility of, but not limited to, bites, kicks, abrasions, contusions, and/or allergic reactions, and agree to hold harmless CCDS, CCDS employees, CCDS agents, CCDS volunteers, and the owners of the animals located at the stables.  

CCDS Parent-School Covenant Agreementrequired
Animal Waiverrequired
Independently Toileting Requirement (CCDSprouts Nature Camp participants only)
A child enrolled in camps that require independent toileting must meet this requirement to participate. Those who do not meet the independent toileting requirement upon the start of camp will not be permitted to attend until this requirement is fulfilled.  Additionally, there will be no credit or refund issued for missed days due to non-compliance with this toileting requirement.  This policy is in place to ensure the appropriate participation of all campers and upholds the standards set by the camp. 
Independently Toileting Requirement (CCDSprouts Nature Camp participants only)
CCDS Parent-School Covenant
To provide an optimal summer program experience, all parents must work in good faith with the school and abide by Country Day’s Parent-School Covenant. A student may be withdrawn from the program should the parents/guardians not abide by the covenant and no refunds will be given.

Photo & Video Usage Policy
Cincinnati Country Day School (CCDS) uses, publishes, and reproduces images and videos of its students for recognition, marketing, community building, publicity, and other school- and camp-related purposes. Usage could be included, but is not limited to, promotion on the school website, digital newsletters, brochures, newsmagazines, and social media. It may not be possible to avoid photographing or filming my child at widely attended events; therefore, in these situations, CCDS cannot prevent the use of photos and footage that unintentionally include my child. Additionally, restrictions will not apply to photos/videos of groups of 10 or more students in which no particular student is featured. I understand that if I wish to restrict the usage of photos and/or videos that include my child, I must email Josephine McKenrick, director of strategic marketing & communications, at I understand that Do Not Publish requests must be submitted by June 1, and the request is valid for one summer only. By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read the Photo and Video Usage Policy.

Type parent/guardian first and last name.
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format

Campus Summer Map