At CCDS, we’re proud to boast two fine library facilities to serve our pre-K - grade 12 students and faculty. Our libraries are places where students learn through our print collections, online resources, electronic databases, and video archives.
Serving the Llower School, the Hopple Library collection and its librarian seek to instill in our youngest students a passion for books and a facility with information. Our goal is to promote lifelong learning by ensuring that students are effective users of information and ideas. Special events and celebrations are held throughout the year to promote further student literacy.
The Middle School and Upper School library facility may be as unique architecturally as it is philosophically. Our students engage in research that builds in sophistication each year. Supporting that work is our fine collection of online resources in addition to our print media.
Hopple LS Library Info
Hours: 8-4 M-F
Phone: (513) 979-0258
Techbrarian: Ms. Amy Thonnerieux
MS/US Library Info
Hours: 8:15-4 M-F
Phone: (513) 979-0247
Librarian: Nat Tracey-Miller